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Total Credits: 1 including 1 AOA Category 1-A Credit(s)

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Les Spry, MD
Short Description:
This presentation reviews the basic evaluation of chronic kidney disease, nomenclature and treatment recommendations.
$40.00 - Base Price

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On Demand

Total Credits: 1 including 1 AOA Category 1-A Credit(s)

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Daniel Dodge, DO
$40.00 - Base Price

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Total Credits: .75 including .75 AOA Category 1-A Credit(s)

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Mathew Johnstone, DPM
$30.00 - Base Price

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Total Credits: 1 including 1 AOA Category 1-A Credit(s)

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Allen Zagoren, DO, MPA, FACOS, FACN
$40.00 - Base Price

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Total Credits: 1 including 1 AOA Category 1-A Credit(s)

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David Shumway, DO
Short Description:
The emergence of generative large language model (LLM) artificial intelligence (AI) represents one of the most profound developments in healthcare in decades. However, the dynamic nature and rapid evolution of these technologies poses unique challenges for the osteopathic physician interested in deploying clinical AI as a tool in their practice. This talk will summarize the fundamental general knowledge topics about generative LLM AI, review the current “big issues” in AI, and discuss current and near-future use cases in clinical practice in a beginner friendly and accessible way.
$40.00 - Base Price

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Total Credits: .75 including .75 AOA Category 1-A Credit(s)

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Jeffery Wahl, DO
$30.00 - Base Price

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Total Credits: .75 including .75 AOA Category 1-A Credit(s)

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Michelle Bottenberg, PharmD
Short Description:
In this session, the learner will gain an understanding of recreational cannabis and Kratom products available, as well as a review of their pharmacology, safety considerations, and potential benefits.  Finally, communication strategies to obtain an accurate patient medication and social history will be discussed.
$30.00 - Base Price

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Total Credits: .75 including .75 AOA Category 1-A Credit(s)

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Jennifer Thompson, D.O.
$30.00 - Base Price

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Total Credits: 1.25 including 1.25 AOA Category 1-A Credit(s)

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Cynthia Penkala, CMM, CMPE, CMSCS, CPOM
Short Description:
Clear and concise medical record documentation has always been important. The updates on E&M coding that initiated on January 2021 have shown that the documentation in a medical record is more important than ever before. The documentation is now critical to providing patients with quality care, ensuring accurate and timely payment for the services provided, mitigating malpractice risks, and helping physicians and other providers evaluate and plan the patient's treatment and maintain the continuum of care. There’s nothing more frustrating than not getting credit for work performed. Physicians often leave large amounts of compensation on the table, because even though services were provided, insurance payers do not recognize the work due to suboptimal documentation. This seems to be the trend today.
$50.00 - Base Price

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Total Credits: 1 including 1 AOA Category 1-A Credit(s)

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Yogesh Shah, M.D., MPH, FAAFP
Short Description:
At any given time, 8-10 % of the general population aged sixty and over are living with dementia or mild cognitive impairment. The impact of dementia is far reaching, as it affects not only the person with dementia, but also their family carers, the healthcare system and society. Dementia is often unrecognized, and there is an underuse of diagnostic assessment tools including newer biomarkers. Approximately 65 % of dementia cases are undiagnosed in primary care. The U.S Preventative Services Task Force recommends that clinicians assess cognitive functioning when a patient is suspected of cognitive impairment based on the physician’s observation or caregiver concerns. The objective of this session will be to discuss early detection using biomarkers and new antimalarial therapies.
$40.00 - Base Price

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