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On Demand

Total Credits: 1 including 1 AOA Category 1-A Credit(s)

Average Rating:
Frederic Rawlins, III, DO
$40.00 - Base Price

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On Demand

Total Credits: 2.0 including 2 AOA Category 1-A Credit(s)

Average Rating:
Timothy Barreiro, DO |  Robert Schilz, DO
Short Description:
Learning Objectives: To survey important, new or emerging concepts and therapies in pulmonary medicine in the areas of: 1. Asthma 2. COPD 3. Lung Cancer 4. Pulmonary Embolism 5. Pulmonary Hypertension 6. Sleep Medicine 7. Spirometry 8. Vaccination
$80.00 - Base Price

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On Demand

Total Credits: 1 including 1.0 AOA Category 1-A Credit(s)

Average Rating:
Scott Morin, DO
$40.00 - Base Price

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Conference On Demand

Total Credits: 16.5 including 16.5 AOA Category 1-A Credit(s), 1.0 Opioid Credits

Average Rating:
Scott Morin, DO |  Amanda Mahan (Richards) |  Joel Kase, DO |  Charles Radis, DO |  Julia McDonald, DO, MPH |  Christina Lincoln, DO |  Sean Neal |  Leora Rabin, MD |  ....
Short Description:
A mix of osteopathic CME for the PCP and beyond, with a special focus on social determinants of health and public health and how these are applicable to clinical medical practice -- providing tools & resources for physicians to help them overcome these barriers to care.
$635.00 - Base Price

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On Demand

Total Credits: 3.5 including 3.5 AOA Category 1-A Credit(s)

Average Rating:
Rachael Pattison, DO |  Rebekah Bernard, MD |  Tyler Ellington, DO |  Layne E. Subera, DO, FACOFP |  Richard Zimmer, CMBI
Short Description:
Needs Assessment: Continuing Medical Education is key to maintaining effective medical practice. Staying up to date on a variety of topics is part of life-long learning. Medicine is constantly evolving and requires a dedication to learning about new and changing guidelines and practices. The 2024 Winter CME brings together experts from an assortment of fields in a single location to help build bridges between primary and specialty care. Program Objectives: At the completion of this seminar, attendees will have a better understanding of best practices for a variety of conditions, updated treatment, and diagnostic modalities, as well as relevant information on legal and legislative topics applicable to current practice.
$140.00 - Base Price

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On Demand

Total Credits: .75 including .75 AOA Category 1-A Credit(s)

Average Rating:
Chandramohan Batra, MD
Short Description:
The presentation will highlight a new paradigm in the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of recurrence of cancer.
$30.00 - Base Price

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On Demand

Total Credits: 10.25 including 10.25 AOA Category 1-A Credit(s)

Average Rating:
Danielle O'Laughlin, PA-C, MS |  Chandramohan Batra, MD |  Les Spry, MD |  Amy Kimball, DO, FAAP |  Jacob Dahlke, MSBe, HEC-C |  Kelsey Noble, DO |  Clint Rathje, DO |  John Massey, MD |  ....
Short Description:
This is a package of all the recordings available from the IACOFP 2021 Midwinter Conference: "Sex, Drugs, and Rock-n-Roll!" Each course is also available for purchase individually.
$400.00 - Base Price

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Conference On Demand

Total Credits: 26.25 including 26.25 AOA Category 1-A Credit(s)

Average Rating:
Not yet rated
Jordan Keys, DO |  Gerard A. Baltazar, D.O. |  Donald Krieff, DO, FACOS |  Al Mercado, Esq. |  Thomas Gallo, PA-C, Esq. |  William Blazey, DO, FACOFP |  Jerry Balentine, DO, FACOEP, FACEP |  Arunabh Talwar, MD |  ....
$920.00 - Base Price

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On Demand

Total Credits: 0.75 including 0.75 AOA Category 2-A Credit

Average Rating:
Not yet rated
Sonu Sahni, MD
Short Description:
In this lecture, Dr. Sahni will address the disparities in lung cancer screening and present ways to change the screening paradigm.
$35.00 - Base Price

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On Demand

Total Credits: 1 including 1 AOA Category 1-A Credit(s)

Average Rating:
Shrey Velani, MD
$40.00 - Base Price

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On Demand

Total Credits: 21.25 including 21.25 AOA Category 1-A Credit(s)

Average Rating:
Joseph Carrington, DO, MHA |  Sepideh Darbandi, DO |  Jennifer Thompson, DO |  Lori Beireis, DO |  Shawn Spooner, MD |  Stephen Gutu, MD |  Lynn Rankin, MD |  Daniel Dodge, DO |  ....
Short Description:
This on-demand package includes all the recorded sessions from IOMA's 2022 Upper Midwest Osteopathic Health Conference. Each session is available individually, and the emergency medicine specific sessions are available as a separate package as well.
$744.00 - Base Price

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