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124th Annual Convention "Mind, Body, Spirit" - Sunday

Total Credits: 3 including 3 AOA Category 1-A Credit(s)

Average Rating:
State Associations:
OOA - Oklahoma
Natasha N. Bray, DO |  Salman Zubair, MD |  Rebecca D. Lewis, DO |  Duane G. Koehler, DO, FACOFP
Never Expires.


“Osteopathic Medicine: Yesterday & Today”

Natasha N. Bray, DO, MSEd, FACOI, FACP

(certified internal medicine & addictive medicine, Tahlequah, OK)

• Explore the history of Osteopathic Medicine and its commitment to placing physicians in underserved communities.

• Status of Osteopathic education in 2024

(Dr. Bray has no financial relationships or affiliations to disclose)


“Novel Trends in Epilepsy Management”

Salman Zubair, MD

(certified neurology, neuromuscular medicine, & sleep medicine, Oklahoma City, OK)

• Diagnosing epileptic disorder • Advancement in diagnostic tools

• Available medical treatments – older and new ones

• Understanding surgical option

(Dr. Zubair has no financial relationships or affiliations to disclose)

Discussion Panel: Leadership, Engagement, and Advocacy

Duane G. Koehler, DO, FACOFP dist.

(certified family medicine, Vinita, OK)

Rebecca D. Lewis, DO, FACOFP

(certified family medicine, Enid, OK)

Natasha N. Bray, DO, MSEd, FACOI, FACP

(certified internal medicine & addictive medicine, Tahlequah, OK)

• Understand what is needed to advocate for the medical profession.

• Understand what is needed to be in a leadership position.

• Understand the importance of engagement

(Dr. Bray has no financial relationships or affiliations to disclose)

(Dr. Koehler has no financial relationships or affiliations to disclose)

(Dr. Lewis has no financial relationships or affiliations to disclose)


Grievance Policy
Program grievances will be presented to the Oklahoma Osteopathic Association Board of Trustees and dealt with appropriately. If this action does not resolve the problem to satisfaction, the person with the grievance will be directed to the American Osteopathic Association’s Division of Continuing Medical Education.

The OOA is accredited by the American Osteopathic Association to provide osteopathic continuing medical education for physicians.

For any questions, comments, or concerns about the CME content, please contact Chrissa Watson, OOA CME Manager, at



Natasha N. Bray, DO Related Seminars and Products

Natasha N. Bray, DO, (certified internal medicine, Tahlequah, OK) earned her osteopathic degree from OSU-COM. Dr. Bray went onto the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine and completed her internship as the Chief Intern Physician and completed her residency at Cambridge Health Alliance/Harvard Affiliated Hospital. Dr. Bray is currently an internal medicine clinical assistant professor of rural health for Oklahoma State University College of Osteopathic Medicine in Tulsa, Oklahoma and a contract physician for the Choctaw Nation Health Services Authority. 


(Dr. Bray has no financial relationships or affiliations to disclose)

Salman Zubair, MD Related Seminars and Products

Salman Zubair, MD   is a practicing neurologist at SSM Health, Oklahoma City.  He finished his medical school at King Edward Medical University in Pakistan.  He completed his residency in Neurology at OU health sciences Center followed by fellowships in Clinical Neurophysiology and sleep medicine at Vanderbilt University, Tennessee.  He is board certified in neurology, Clinical Neurophysiology, neuro-muscular medicine, epilepsy, and Sleep Medicine.

 Dr. Zubair has no financial relationships or affiliations to disclose

Rebecca D. Lewis, DO Related Seminars and Products

Rebecca D. Lewis, DO, FACOFP, is a 2012 graduate of Rocky Vista University College of Osteopathic Medicine. She completed her family medicine residency at the St. Anthony Family Medicine Residency in 2015. 
Dr. Lewis is the current Vice President of the Oklahoma Osteopathic Association and is a Governor to the ACOFP Board of Governors. Dr. Lewis currently practices full-scope family medicine with obstetrics at St. Mary’s Hospital in Enid, OK. When not at work, Dr. Lewis occupies her time with her husband, Tyler, two children, Owen and Gianna, and her two dogs. 


(Dr. Lewis has no financial relationships or affiliations to disclose)


Duane G. Koehler, DO, FACOFP Related Seminars and Products

Duane G. Koehler, DO, FACOFP (certified family practice, Tulsa, OK) earned an associate degree in emergency medical technology from the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, completed his Bachelor of Science degree in health science from the University of Tulsa and earned his Doctor of Osteopathy degree from Oklahoma State University College. He also held the State Paramedic Certification in Emergency Medical Technology in Arkansas, working as a Registered EMT-Paramedic throughout his medical studies. Dr. Koehler is currently an adjunct clinical faculty member with OSU-COM and Department of Rural Health clinical assistant professor.  He is a past president of the Oklahoma Osteopathic Association and is the president-elect of the American College of Osteopathic Family Physicians.



Overall:      4.4

Total Reviews: 29