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Patrick Leary, DO

Dr. Patrick F. Leary is presently Director of Sports Medicine at the Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine in Erie, Pennsylvania.  He has a teaching appointment as Clinical Professorof Family Medicine and Sports Medicine. Dr. Leary isa family physician who specializes in sports medicine.His clinical focus is on the management of medical and musculoskeletal problems related to sports and exercise. He is recent PastPresidentof his national specialty college, the AOASM.Dr. Leary is certified in Family Medicine, Sports Medicine and Geriatrics and works at the LECOMWellness and Integrative Health Center.He received a Masters Science in Medical Education from LECOM 2012. He is Lead Team Physician for the NBA GLeague Erie BayHawks,Mercyhurst University,Edinboro University of Pennsylvania, Mercyhurst PrepSchool and Corry High School. He has been appointed to the sports medicine advisory board of the PennsylvaniaInterscholastic Athletic Association (PIAA).He is a Fellow of the American Osteopathic Academy of Sports Medicine, the AmericanCollege of Osteopathic Family Physicians, and AmericanAcademy of Family Physicians He recently received a Masters of Science in Medical Education from LECOM. Dr. Leary annually mentors specialty physicians in Sichuan Province, China, on becoming generalists and family physicians for the IPCEA/ACOFP. Dr. Leary is a graduate of the Kansas City University of Medicine and Bio-Sciences and was Team Physician at the University of Notre Dame from 19995-2005 where he did his undergraduate work. He presently is a member of the ACSM Team Physicians Consensus Panel and NCAA Cardiac Task Force.He additionally sits on an editorial panel of the PPE Monograph 5th Edition.He has published and researched Vitamin D, ACL Injuries and Prevention, Concussionin Family Practice, AthleticPubalgia, Concussion in Boxing, Infectious Mononucleosis in Sports,Mental Health in College Sports,Covid 19 in Athletics, Physician Burnoutand SeniorFitness injuries along with other sports medicine topics.

He is Program Director of the LECOM Sports Medicine Fellowshipwhich emphasizes use of msk diagnostic ultrasound and regenerative injection therapy. He has helped in the training of 39sports medicine fellows at Notre Dame and LECOM.He has participated in medical philanthropic work in numerous countries.(Honduras, Mexico, Qatar, Germany, Chile, China)Dr. Leary has served as an instructor in Mexico for the AAOM Prolotherapy/MSK Ultrasound Immersion and SportsOsteopathy in Cologne, Germany.Married with four children, Dr. Leary enjoys teaching and traveling along with fly fishing and golfing.

Dr. Leary has no disclosures.

Product Type
On Demand

Adolescent Sports Injuries

Total Credits: .75 including .75 AOA Category 1-A Credit(s)

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Patrick Leary, DO
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