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Patricia Quinlisk, M.D., MPH, D. Sc(Hon)

Dr. Quinlisk was the Medical Director and State Epidemiologist at the Iowa Department of Public Health for 24 years. She is now semi-retired; continuing to teach at various universities and working on projects such as how to change behaviors to prevent dementia (Saving Your Brain with Broadlawns Hospital and the Des Moines YMCA). Her background includes training as a clinical microbiologist, training microbiologists while a Peace Corps Volunteer in Nepal, a Masters of Public Health from Johns Hopkins, a medical degree from the University of Wisconsin, and training as a field epidemiologist in the CDC’s Epidemic Intelligence Service. For twelve years she conducted epidemiologic training courses in Europe, and is a professor at the University of Iowa, the University of Wisconsin, Des Moines University, and Iowa State University. For several years she was an Editorial Board Member for CDC’s MMWR and on CDC’s Board of Scientific Advisors, served on the Gilmore Commission and the National Vaccine Advisory Committee, and as President of the Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE). She was on the Institute of Medicine’s committees on Microbial Threats to Health in the 21st Century, Animal Health at the Crossroads, Preparing for the Psychological consequences of Terrorism, and Antivirals for Pandemic Influenza. In 2009 she received an honorary Doctorate of Science from Iowa State University, and served for 5 years as the Chair for the National Biodefense Science Board.

Product Type
On Demand

2022 IOMA Upper Midwest Osteopathic Health Conference: Full Conference On Demand

Total Credits: 21.25 including 21.25 AOA Category 1-A Credit(s)

Average Rating:
Joseph Carrington, DO, MHA |  Sepideh Darbandi, DO |  Jennifer Thompson, DO |  Lori Beireis, DO |  Shawn Spooner, MD |  Stephen Gutu, MD |  Lynn Rankin, MD |  Daniel Dodge, DO |  ....
Short Description:
This on-demand package includes all the recorded sessions from IOMA's 2022 Upper Midwest Osteopathic Health Conference. Each session is available individually, and the emergency medicine specific sess...
$744.00 - Base Price

Product Type
On Demand

Healthy Aging: The Mind -- Preventing Alzheimer's, Dementia, and Other Cognitive Declines

Total Credits: 1 including 1 AOA Category 1-A Credit(s)

Average Rating:
Patricia Quinlisk, M.D., MPH, D. Sc(Hon)
$40.00 - Base Price

Product Type
On Demand

Healthy Lifestyle to Prevent Dementia

Total Credits: .75 including .75 AOA Category 1-A Credit(s)

Average Rating:
Patricia Quinlisk, M.D., MPH, D. Sc(Hon)
Short Description:
The KEYS (lifestyle and behaviors) needed to lower an individual’s risk of developing dementia will be discussed. The progress of the Des Moines Area YMCA’s statewide program – KEYS to Dementia Preven...
$30.00 - Base Price

Product Type
On Demand

2024 Upper Midwest Osteopathic Health Conference: Full Conference

Total Credits: 23 including 23 AOA Category 1-A Credit(s)

Average Rating:
Jennifer Thompson, D.O. |  Sarah FitzPatrick |  Tim Holcomb, DPM |  Amy Martin |  Gregory Kosters |  David Drake |  Yogesh Shah, M.D., MPH, FAAFP |  Kaaren Olesen, DO |  ....
Short Description:
2024 Upper Midwest Osteopathic Health Conference: Full Conference
$775.00 - Base Price

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