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Paige Picard, DO

Paige Picard is board certified in both Family Medicine
and Lifestyle Medicine; and currently works in the role as
Clinical Faculty Member at Central Maine Medical Center
Family Medicine Residency Program.

From 2018 to 2019 she personally adopted a plant-based
lifestyle, met the requirements for, and sat for the Lifestyle
Medicine Boards.

She has helped many families, friends, and patients
adopt plant-focused diets and uses social media to
share, inspire, and educate as many people as she can.
She currently lives in Winthrop with her husband and 3
small children, and together they are building a plantbased

Paige Picard, DO, and the MOA Planning Committee disclose that they have no relevant financial relationships with any organization producing, marketing, reselling, or distributing health care goods or services consumed by, or used on, patients relative to the content of this presentation.